Creating a Fabric Shop - Week 2
As the week progressed I had been thinking about what I could put in this blog and I came to sit down this evening feeling a little disheartened that not as much as I would have liked has happened.
Well, after looking over last weeks blog i am now feeling much happier as things have really progressed more than i thought!
Shop Floor:
I haven't got a pic but the second coat of grey has gone on in the smaller room which has finished it off nicely. We are now considering shelving for this room.
Above: The larger shop floor has moved forward the most. The last part of wall has been removed, most of the room has been painted grey and a good chunk of the shelving has started to go up. The shelving still has a fair way to go but it's nice to see the dynamics of the room changing and to understand how the space will feel. Note the markings on the floor where our large cutting table and counter will be. The large cutting table will make a massive difference when fulfilling all of our online orders.
Above: This is the room that i was most disappointed about and felt hadn't really changed, but compared to last week it really has. You can now get a feel for the overall size that this amazing space will be and over the coming weeks it will be transformed into a COVID secure, light and airy workspace for our customers to learn amazing new skills.
Well 2 weeks in and we have set our opening date. Monday 12th July is the first day we will be open to the general public. There is a lot to do between now and then, so i had better get on ...